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Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to Stay on Track with a Weight Loss Program

Over the past year I have lost some significant weight. Most of us can stay on a diet for a few weeks without cheating.  It’s what happens after the first 14 days that either defeats us or turns us into a new physical specimen of beautiful proportions.  I do know that doesn’t happen exactly at day #14, but most experts admit that after 14 days any newly adopted process becomes habit.  Then dieting becomes our new normal.  Here are my suggestions for making it to day #14 and into the new habit-sphere.

1)  Make your new food program the most important thing in your life for the first 14 days.  Think about it constantly. 

2) Plan your next move around how it will impact your food choices. 

3)  Avoid trigger-foods and fast-food like the plague.

4)  Stay out of the kitchen. 

5)  Set up your food for the day in the morning and do not deviate. 

6)  Weigh yourself daily for only the first 14 days, so you can see regular progress even if it’s a portion of a pound.  After that go to weekly weigh-ins and report it to someone, preferabbly a weight coach, mentor, or diet buddy.     

7)  Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and feeling full.

8) On day #15 add exercise back into your routine, if nothing else, walk 30 minutes per day. 

9)  Don’t think of food as comfort but rather as essential energy sources.  Don’t eat absent mindedly.  Control those calories with exactness. 

10) If you mess up after day #14 you stop the binge and simply start afresh with the 14 day plan once more.  After awhile you discover your diet has become a life habit and you have lost 50 pounds and know how to lose more.  Your binges have become less attractive since your body has been feeling so much better with less food clogging your system.

You can do this.  Gaining control of the nutrition and exercise makes the rest of life much more productive.  Here is a link to my professional weight coach's website with more motivation stories:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer 2012 = How to do More Weight Loss

My challenge to all my friends is to lose 25 pounds during the summer of 2012. 

A good strategy for summer weight loss is to plan each day with as many outdoors events as possible.  Today I started with a 30 minute brisk walk in the morning.  Later I will spend time in the garden turning over the soil to prepare for planting in a week or so.  Believe me, for someone my age (59), it is aerobic to turn over the dirt with my four foot long shovel.  I will break more of a sweat doing that than I did on this morning’s walk.   

Jeannie wants to go for a walk this afternoon.  So I will go out one more time and all told will probably be burning over 500 calories doing my training for the day.  Now the trick is to not replace those calories with increased intake, like pop, or sugar or whatever.  My food program has kept me losing weight in a “steady” pattern for many months and it will help me stay on track. 

The most difficult hours each day are from 3PM to bedtime.  I drink water or 5 calorie per glass crystal light and stay away from the kitchen as much as possible.  My family helps by hiding all the trigger foods that start me on a food binge.  They have to be quite sneaky because I know most of the best hiding places.

Right now my daily goal is to beat eat about 1200 calories and 500 calories burned.  I know when I do this I am currently losing 2-5 lbs per week on average.  Now lest you think it is easy for me, I do struggle with food craving most days.  But as long as I win most of the daily battles I tend to keep losing weight.  Every now and then I hit a plateau and tread water for a week or so.  I have a strategy for breaking through those as well, which I have posted previously. 

Every individual has their own journey to change their health lifestyle, and I have mine figured out.  I know how to do this because of the help I received.  The food they provided helped get my caloric intake to a glycemic balance.  My health coach, Dr. Cliffton Brady, is outstanding.  The curriculum materials have taught me the science behind the program.  I never lost more the 25 lbs on any previous diet.  Nothing has worked long term like this program. 

Dr. Brady tells me he can now take on new clients, so I am interested in sending any of my friends who have asked questions about their particular health situation or medications to him.  I am grateful for his willingness to help my friends.  If you are interested in a consultation with him please let me know by email at or by signing in at my weight loss website:     

Monday, May 21, 2012

Great Response from my Sister who has lost more than 50 lbs...

A response from my sister, who has lost more than 50 lbs on TSFL:

I enjoyed reading about your weight loss pep talk.  I'm curious about your food cravings, etc.  I had a struggle getting "perfect" again.  ( I kept eating too many meals, too close together.)   Last week was my first perfect week since Christmas.  Seriously, I rocked.  I followed the program hook line and sinker to the tee.  As a result I lost 6.9 last week.  I am so happy, because now I feel I can really go for it.  I learned a couple of things recently which have changed.  I can have either 10 almonds or 7 walnut halves as a snack if needed.  That has helped save a couple evenings for me.  Most of the time I'm fine if I eat every three hours consistently.  I don't get hungry until the third hour.  If I get hungry before that, it's usually because I haven't had enough water.  I'm drinking 4 to 5,  32 oz. bottles of water each day.  I'm using ASEA bottles all around the house.  As long as I stick with consistent every three hours, the evenings really aren't so bad.  Deb mentioned that you eat every two hours.  Perhaps it's different for men.  Anyway, I just thought I'd share how I've had the most success:

6:00 a.m. - oatmeal - varied flavors
9:00 a.m. - shake - vanilla, strawberry or chocolate mint ice cream as a shake - I add a scoop Nature's Sunshine powdered greens (can't remember exact name.) and Liquid chlorophyll 
noon - Lean and Green meal
2:45 - 3:00 p.m. - shake - vanilla or strawberry or the chocolate mint ice cream as a shake
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. - usually a pudding I've made up in the fridge or a bar (bars don't keep me as satisfied, shakes are the best, puddings works as long as I have some water, too.)
7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Last meal of the day - shake or pudding 
8:30 - 9:30 Beddie-bye time.

For my shakes I add as much ice as I can with 16 oz. of liquid.  The more like an ice cream shake, the better for me.  When I do the Vanilla shakes I sometimes add a 1/2 tsp. of vanilla and then sprinkle nutmeg on top.  Love it.  

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Weight Loss Recipe---Chipotle Spiced Shrimp

Recipe: Chipotle Spiced Shrimp---by Mayo Clinic Staff
Dietitian's tip: Though shrimp is higher in cholesterol than most meat and poultry, it's lower in fat and saturated fat. And fat, not cholesterol, has the greatest effect on blood cholesterol. Shrimp also has omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that's good for your heart.

Serves 4


1/2 pound uncooked shrimp, peeled and deveined (about 32 shrimp)
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 1/2 teaspoons water
1/2 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
1/2 teaspoon fresh oregano, chopped


Rinse shrimp in cold water. Pat dry with a paper towel and set aside on a plate.

To make the marinade, whisk together the tomato paste, water and oil in a small bowl. Add garlic, chili powder and oregano. Mix well.

Using a brush, spread the marinade (it will be thick) on both sides of the shrimp. Place in the refrigerator.

Prepare a hot fire in a charcoal grill or heat a gas grill or broiler (grill). Away from the heat source, lightly coat the grill rack or broiler pan with cooking spray. Position the cooking rack 4 to 6 inches from the heat source.

Put the shrimp in a grill basket or on skewers and place on the grill. Turn the shrimp after 3 to 4 minutes. The cooking time varies depending on the heat of the fire, so watch carefully.

Transfer to a plate and serve immediately.

Nutritional analysis per serving

Serving size: 8 shrimp
151 mg
Total fat
2 g
Total carbohydrate
3 g
Saturated fat
Dietary fiber
1 g
Monounsaturated fat
1 g
12 g
85 mg

More Detail on how to Lose Weight

A great response to my last post:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Peanut Butter Fudge --- Another Great Weight Loss Recipe

A Great Recipe for Peanut Butter Fudge

from the food program I am on


Prep time10 minutes
Peanut Butter Fudge


1pkPudding (MF Chocolate)
1pkHot Cocoa (MF)
2TPeanut Butter
1TVanilla Extract
2TChocolate Syrup (SF)
1⁄3cNon-Fat Milk (First add 1 T of Peanut Butter in 1/3 c)


Mix all together until well blended. Then heat over LOW heat until peanut butter melts.
The mixture will be very thick/doughy. Pour into a Pam sprayed baking pan or whatever form you like that leaves about a 1/2" thick, even layer. Place in fridge for 45 minutes - 1 hour.



Monday, April 30, 2012

Curbing Those Evening Cravings

About 2PM every day I start craving carbohydrates.  My body kicks into full blown hunger mode if I don’t curb the obsession. 

Mornings are no problem at all, so occasionally I skip some of my 6 meal routine and think I am doing so well to lower my calories intake.  But it backfires when the craving hit and I go hunting for my favorite treats, all being extremely unhealthy, with loads of calories and very little nutritional value. 

You just can’t outsmart the glycemic-balanced food programs by either one-upping (starvation) or cheating “a bit” by sneaking in a little of your “old” food.

Having now lost 50 of the 80 pounds on the Take-Shape-for-Life nutritional program, I have learned how my body works for or against me. 

Here’s what I do to control the cravings: 

 1)      Eat six meals glycemic-balanced meals on schedule, so blood sugar stays even throughout the entire day.   

 2)      Have someone hide all the “trigger” foods that start a binge. 

 3)      Stay away from all fast food establishments or perhaps I should say traps. 

 4)      Don’t hang around the kitchen area while food is being prepared. 

 5)      Drink plenty of water or crystal light if you need some flavor. 

 6)      Weigh yourself daily on a scale that records 1/10th of a pound so you know every day if you are progressing or falling back.

 7)      Set up all of your meals in the morning so you know what you will eat all day.

 8)      Exercise 5-6 days per week by walking 10,000 steps or the equivalent.  The endorphins will improve your mood which will make it easier to stay on track by not getting discouraged. 

 9)      Have friends or a weight-loss coach who you “report” your weight to at least weekly. 

 10)   Get excellent and doctor approved nutritional program material to study so you understand the science behind the diet and exercise routine you are on.   

Most days this works perfectly for me but I do fall off the wagon once in awhile.  Overall I have been able to lose weight pretty consistently for the past 7 months.  Controlling the cravings has been an important part of that success, eating the right food at the right time each day.  It has been a hoot watching my body reshape itself. 

My health has improved dramatically.  Yay for TSFL.     

Here's a link to my food program website if you would like more information: 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"I Love Food"---New Update on my Weight-Loss Quest

I love food.  I love almost any kind of food.  I love how it tastes and feels in my mouth. Food is the essence of life; it sustains us, maintains us, and comforts us. We use food to celebrate, socialize, worship, and work.  Food does take over our life.  Controlling and taking charge of food is the most important part of finding your bodies best health and weight, and thereby happiness. 

It can be useful to think of food as medication.  It affects our body and mind in a similar way to medication.  We use medication with a doctor’s prescription, but we don’t think much about grazing on food almost mindlessly at times.  So how do we seize the moment and take back our life from the constant hunger-games (yes a poor pun, but couldn’t resist).

I have said it before and repeat it here:  gaining great health and weight is 80% the food we eat.  The rest is a good aerobic exercise program.  A food program is an essential part of taking back control of this non-stop part of our lives. 
I am now in my 7th month on my food program.  I had tried about everything on the market to get control of my love for food and my weight without consistent success until I found the Take Shape for Life food program.  Every morning I set up my six small meals for between 1400-1800 calories and that is how I take control of my food and life. It has empowered me in ways I never thought about before; a sense of well being, confidence, enthusiasm for the tasks of the day, more appreciation for the world around me, energy, and consistent happiness. 

There is no longer the pull toward chocolate, sugared candy bars, cookies, ice cream, caffeine and energy drinks, or deserts. Now don’t get me wrong, I do slip up, particularly when I travel or celebrate family events.  But overall I have reset my system by disciplined control of my six meals a day.  I drink allot of water and crystal light.  This has become a life-style permanent habit.  My body doesn’t feel well when I slip up so I am naturally drawn back to my new habits. 
I have even been trying the maintenance food program for the past month to make sure I can maintain a consistent weight.  But I still have 30 more pounds to lose to get to my ultimate goal of 199 pounds.  So from May through July I will go back to my “diet” and walking program to get back to losing the rest to my goal weight.  It has been so nice to know that I know how to do this and full confidence I can kick it into gear any time I wish.  I have never really been confident that I could conquer my weight problems until I found TSFL. 

Here is a link to my website that gives more details on how it works:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Low Calorie Snacks and Meals

Here's is a link to get recipes and ideas about how to cut calories from your daily food routine.  The recipes are at the bottom of the article.

For low calorie snacks I use Kirkland Brand Fugi Apple Sices with only 35 calories per bag, or V8 drink at 75 calories per can, or an apple at 90 calories.  It's a quick snack that helps take away cravings so I don't binge at snack time.  I use to have a slim fast (I call them slim slows) but they are about 200 calories, so too many for me. 

I am trying for 1500 calories per day or less and keep my blood sugar consistent throughout the day.  5 small meals or snacks, plus a lean & green meal, such as a good salad fit my routine.  Drinking lots of water or 5 calorie crystal lite drinks.  The weight is still coming off. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Recipe---Terrific Pizza for Weight Loss


1 Servings
Prep time5 minutes

1pkChicken Noodle Soup (MF)
1TMozzarella (lowfat)
1⁄8cTomato Sauce (or pizza sauce / marinara)
1⁄4cWater (approximately)


Put chicken noodle soup in a blender to grind the noodles into a powder; Pour soup powder into a bowl; Add 1 TB of eggbeaters and the 1/4 cup of water a little at a time and mix all ingredients together until doughy. Add any pizza seasonings of your choice at this point.Take your pizza crust dough and spread it out thinly on an aluminum foil lined baking sheet sprayed with Pam.Put in the oven at 450 for about 8-10 mins...or until the edges are browned. Then take out the pizza crust, put on your sauce (as much as you need) and a little cheese and any veggies you want to minus off green and place in Broiler for 2-3 mins.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feeling so Much Better Thanks to my Weight Loss Quest   

I can’t believe how much better I feel.  Just over 6 months ago I was weighing in at 280 pounds.  My body was sluggish and felt somewhat blotted most of the time due to poor eating habits.  My poor body was working so hard just to keep up with all the stuff I was ingesting.  My joints hurt, and my other ailments were a constant nag.  I had to do something fast or just keep moving toward my eventual demise. 

By losing 50 lbs I think I have added at least 10 years to my life expectancy.  Looking better is just an extra perk.  I feel fantastic; I have more hours per day with energy for accomplishing work and play.  My happiness with life has improved dramatically. 

All of this is due to finding the right nutrition program and non-intense exercise routine based mostly on walking.  My food prep and eating time has actually been reduced.  My exercise time is about an hour per day.  
My meals are quite simple to prepare. I do most of my food chef-time all by myself.  I can easily recommend this program without hesitation.  It can help diabetics and low gluten needs.  The program has been tested over 30 years in real life situations and is recommended by over 20,000 doctors.  It doesn’t cost more than what is usually spent on food each month. 

My mentor is a Doctor of Chiropractic and he has helped me coach a good number of people now.  It is most enjoyable helping people get healthy.   

Here is a link to my website if you would like to learn more:


Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Love Helping People Lose Weight

I have an arrangement with my weight-loss program to help people get a good start.  By ordering now I will help you get a great first order along with 28 bonus meals.  You will need several books in your first order for the details about the science behind the success of the nutrition.  I can make sure your shipping is free and you that you get 5% off subsequent orders. If you are not satisfied with results, you can send any unused food back for a refund. This is as no-risk as it comes.  I am that confident it will work for you.  Here is my link to get more information:

Quick Start Weight-Loss Power User

Sign in to the right of the Success Stories

This is Just Way too Fun!

This is a brand new website and app. This is just Way too Fun! Slim Kicker---a fun new way to keep motivated to lose weight. Here's the link:
Ralph VanOrden
Weight Loss Power Users

Break through those Stubborn Weight-loss Plateaus

Breaking through the stubborn weight plateau after 3-4 weeks of good solid weight loss can be a game changer.  It can either build your confidence or break your will to go forward to new height or perhaps I should say depths of weight loss success.  Everyone hits plateaus during weight loss.  Most people are stopped in their tracks and stop momentum by falling back into old food habits.  Mini-binges take hold and weight starts creeping back on.  For me this always happened after 20 - 25 pounds came off usually at about 6 weeks into my diet and exercise. 

This time I learned new strategies from my nutrition program and other research.  Here are the secrets I used to move through plateaus and keep on losing weight.

1)      Recognize you are on a plateau and don’t let that discourage you since it will end soon and new weight loss momentum will start.

2)      Weigh in daily on a scale that measures 10th of a pound so you can celebrate even 1/10th of a pound of new weight loss. 

3)      Write your weight on a chart in a prominent place where you see it regularly.  Keep your mind focused on your goal. 

4)      MAKE SURE you are following your food program strictly, no deviations at all.  You are not the exception to the rule and need to trust the experts to keep you in the weight loss zone. 

5)      Step up the number of steps you are taking each day.  Take at least one good long walk each day and two if possible.  Strive for 10,000 steps each day.  I do this by staying active all day and walking for about an hour. 

6)      Have someone hide all your trigger foods that beckon you off your food program.  No ice cream, soda, candy bars, sugared cereals, etc. 
I will be surprised beyond measure if these steps don’t help you break through your plateaus.  Stay the course on your food program and exercise routine, until you get your ultimate weight loss goal.  Once there you need a good transition program as you take on more traditional food again.  Your new found eating habits and taste buds will help you maintain a good healthy weight for the rest of your life. If you do fall behind you can always go back on your weight loss food program to get back to your goal weight.    

My goal weight is 199 pounds and I am well on my way there.  If I can be of assistance or answer any questions please sign in at my website and I will call you.  Here is a link to my optimal health program that has helped me lose 50 pounds:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Wonderful Recipe for Zucchini-Lasagna

Food for helping with weight loss programs---80% of weight loss is eating the right food, six small meals a day.   

Yummmm!  Here is a link to a wonderful recipe for zucchini-lasagna.  Click for the details of how to make this awesome meal...

Friday, March 30, 2012

The First 40 lbs Came Off in 3 Months---Now I am at 50 lbs Lighter
The first 40 lbs came off in 3 months but the next 10 lbs took 3 more months.  Of course 2 of those months were holiday months in November and December and the darkest part of the winter, so I tended to cheat on my food and on my exercise plan. 

Then in January I took winter-break vacation with my sweetheart Jeannie to Las Vegas, buffet capitol of the world.  But in February I got back on my food and walking program.  The weight started to drop off again but at a less intense pace, at 3 lbs per week. 

Once the sun started to come back my body was prone to stay the course and I once again felt empowered to continue my quest to lose 81 total pounds and get to 199.  I spend about 7 hours per week at the gym or outside walking. I try to take 10,000 steps per day. I get out of my desk chair and walk around when I am on my cell phone. 

I had several funny pockets of fat that needed to be firmed up.  I can’t believe how far out of shape I allowed myself to get. But my body is changing and I feel better than I have for years.  My daily productivity has gone up and I enjoy life much more. 

My challenge is that I am a “projects” kind of guy.  Once I have a project I throw myself fully into the process and get so focused I allow other things to fall by the wayside.  I had a ten year project creating and building a new LDS Stake congregation that started at 2400 and grew to over 3000 with two chapels built during my tenure.  That took up almost all of my extra time outside of my profession as an educator. 

I tend to stress eat which was a daily routine during those ten years.  I gained mucho weight and my body suffered.  But once released I took on a personal project of getting back into shape.  It feels a bit self serving but is essential as I retire and move to the next phase of my life. 

Recently I realized it is not self serving but necessary in order to be more useful to my family, profession, and community.  My doctors have helped in various ways with encouragement and expertise. 

My Chiropractor/health-coach has been superb in keeping me motivated.  This is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. 

I love my food program because of its glycemic balance and it works just like they said it would.  I have tried the others and never been able to push past 25 pounds off before yo-yoing.  The main difference this time is the ease of the food program and the coaching I have received.  Can you tell I love what this program has done for me? 

I have many friends who have accomplished similar goals so it is not just uniquely suited to my circumstances.  It also helps older people, diabetics, and others with special situations.  The program has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors.  If you need to lose 20 lbs or more it is worth looking at. 

Let me know if you have questions.  Here is a link to my website with photos as well as testimonials about the program: