1) Make your new food program the most important
thing in your life for the first 14 days.
Think about it constantly.
2) Plan your next move around how it will impact your
food choices.
3) Avoid trigger-foods and fast-food like the plague.
4) Stay out of the kitchen.
5) Set up your food for the day in the morning and
do not deviate.
6) Weigh yourself daily for only the first 14 days, so you can see regular progress
even if it’s a portion of a pound. After that go to weekly weigh-ins and report it to someone, preferabbly a weight coach, mentor, or diet buddy.
7) Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated
and feeling full.
8) On day #15 add exercise back into your routine,
if nothing else, walk 30 minutes per day.
9) Don’t think of food as comfort but rather as essential
energy sources. Don’t eat absent
mindedly. Control those calories with
10) If you mess up after day #14 you stop the binge
and simply start afresh with the 14 day plan once more. After awhile you discover your diet has
become a life habit and you have lost 50 pounds and know how to lose more. Your binges have become less attractive since
your body has been feeling so much better with less food clogging your system.
You can do this. Gaining
control of the nutrition and exercise makes the rest of life much more productive. Here is a link to my professional weight coach's website with more motivation