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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Take Back My Health Challenge 2014 --- Whose up for losing 20 pounds by the end of February?

Whose up for losing 20 pounds by the end of February 2014? 

Last time I made this challenge I invited friends to join me to make it more fun and to put more incentive into the process.  By reporting progress to each other we were able to stay on task and record a group loss of hundreds of pounds.  It jump started many lives toward better health.  This time I am expanding the invitation to all
my Facebook acquaintances as well.    

We start dieting on January 2, 2014.  You can be a visible contributing participant or just follow along quietly and get inspiration from the group posts and reports. 

To join the group ---  simply leave your email address to the right of this post and you will receive notification of new posts.  I won't give your email address to anyone else. Then go to , sign up, and see goals for helping weight loss.  You can share your progress and ideas in the comments section of the blog, including pictures if you so choose.   I hope you will join us.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lost 34 pounds in the Past 4 Months

Even though it is the "Holidays" I am still losing weight at a steady clip, averaging almost 9 pounds per month.  My stomach has made the adjustment to small meals and just doesn't want to overdo it any more.  I weighed in at 226 a few days ago.  So that is 34 pounds lost in not-quite 4 months. 

My most recent effort to lose started at 260 pounds.  However, I first started this quest in 2011 after finding myself at 280 pounds.  Being big-boned no longer hid the fact that I was fat.  I started by getting help from a weight loss coach through "Take Shape For Life".  They provided 5 of my 6 meals per day. I learned new habits and changed my body chemistry. 

After awhile I started to provide my own food and continued my quest toward 199 pounds.  27 more pounds to go.  Here's a recent picture of me at 226.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Weight Loss Update ---- as of November 14, 2013

This morning I weighed in at 236.  I have lost 24 pounds in 3 months, with 37 more pounds to lose so I can get to my goal weight of 199.  I use the 6 small meals per day approach to dieting.  It has become my normal way of life.  My stomach has shrunk to where it is natural for me to eat smaller portions.  If I don't, my stomach lets me know I overdid it.  I am satisfied much sooner than I used to be.  Not far into my past it was easy for me to clear a whole plate of food and go back for large helpings of "seconds".

I learned this new life-habit by using Medifast meals and the "Take Shape For Life" system.  Having a coach during my first three months of dieting was the key to my success.  My nephew, Dr. Clifton Brady was my coach.  He specializes in weight loss for people who have 50 pounds or more to lose.  I'm sure there are other programs that work but for me this was the one that finally got me serious about weight loss.

The recent complication that could have thrown me off track has been a series of surgeries that have made it necessary to take pain medication over an extended period of time.  My stomach has rebelled.  Diarrhea, dehydration, cramping, and blotting have become concerns.  I apologize for the graphic details, but perhaps someone will benefit from my experience. 

My doctors have fortunately been able to teach me the three essentials for digestive-system health: 1) fiber, 2) laxative, and 3) stool softener.  I have learned how to successfully use Metamucil and Miralax to provide these three essentials.  I am so amazed at how much better my body feels now compared to 2 years ago when I weighed 280 pounds.  I wish success to all of my readers who may be engaged in or contemplating dieting.  It can be done.      


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Berry Happy by Jean Snow VanOrden

When I was a newlywed, and we faced years of temporary housing arrangements, I heard a speaker talk about planting cherry trees.  His point was that it’s beneficial to present happiness to put down roots wherever you are and not delay working at projects that take time to come to fruition even if you don’t expect to stay in a particular location for long.  You just never know what will happen and it’s better to plant with the hope of harvest than to mark time and invest nothing in long–term rewards.  At my home in Eagle River, Alaska I procrastinated putting this idea into practice (as far as landscaping) for years but finally planted raspberries along the east side of the house.  The starts were free from a dear friend with a very productive green thumb and instead of having 10 years of mouth-watering, home-grown raspberry jam I only harvested berries for five summers and it took a couple of summers before we had a harvest sufficient to make jam. 

When we were looking for a home in the Boise area, we had dreams of a large garden where we could grow tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, melons, and even fruit trees.  We ended up on a windy hillside with a spectacular view and significant barriers to cultivating a vegetable garden.  But we were determined to produce something on our sagebrush littered hillside. The task was daunting so we started off small by repurposing a tulip bed at the back of the house for growing berries.  We made a trip to Fruitland Nursery where we bought strawberry and raspberry starts. 

In the past I’ve avoided planting a strawberry patch because I’ve seen one too many weedy grass choked beds of tangled strawberries.  Thankfully, the rich soil of our little flower bed, with the help of some Miracle Grow time-release fertilizer and a simple drip-hose watering system, produced five or six pickings of luscious glossy strawberries that taste better than any strawberries I’ve ever eaten.  My grandson can testify to that as he ate one whole picking all by himself. The berries are beautiful and I am grateful we didn’t procrastinate.

 The raspberries will not produce much until next summer but the few that ripened this year have such a rich color and flavor that we are motivated to expand our little berry patch into two separate beds next spring.  It will be well worth the work and at a very small expense give us a great sense of accomplishment and a tasty harvest. 

I have to confess that we also planted three fruit trees which did not survive our experiment but we are not defeated, thanks to our little berry patch. We have planted not just for ourselves but to the benefit of our grandchildren and whoever may own this home in the future.  Planting and harvesting breathes a little more pleasure, a little more hope, and a little more faith into every day.  Maybe it won’t be a garden we plant or fruit we harvest but investing in any long-term reward will make the world a better place for everyone. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Update on my Weight Loss as of October 14, 2013

I have lost a total of 10 pounds in the last month.   It has almost been entirely from dieting since my surgeries have made exercise difficult.  As a reminder, I have been through carpel tunnel surgery on both wrists, and sinus surgery within a month of each other.  Wrists are doing great and sinuses feel like they are open for the first time in twenty years.

I am walking occasionally when I have the energy.  But nutritional restraint gets the credit for my recent weight loss.  Its called portion control with 5-6 small meals per day.  I am on pace to lose a total of 20 pounds before Thanksgiving over a 2 month period.  All is well thus far.  If you have joined the effort, please leave me a comment about your progress and method. 

Here's a link to my weight loss mentor who happens to specialize in helping people who have meg-weight to lose.  When I started a few years ago, I had a goal to lose 80 pounds.  He helped me lose the first 50 of those.  He is a chiropractor and represents an excellent nutrition program called "Take Shape for Life".  I learned how to eat right and it has become a life habit for me.  Here's he link:     

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lost 3 Pounds this Week---Here's the Menu

So my first week of renewed weight loss efforts brought me a 3 pound loss.  I am not using a commercially purchased food program and if I did I would use “Take Shape for Life” since I lost 50 pounds on their program in 2011.  I am using the same principles but building my own menus with food we buy at the local markets.  I eat every 2 – 2 ½ hours.  Here is an example of what I’ve been eating for 6 small meals per day:

1)      7am --- Weight loss snake from the store or made from whey protein powder as my first meal.

2)      9:30am ---- Bran flakes and/or Raisin Bran cereal (small portion) with lactose free milk. 

3)       12 noon ---- Shake made from protein powder, a table spoon of fiber powder, and juice whipped in crushed ice with our magic bullet mixer.

4)      2:30 pm ---- 5 bean salad (one cup) which is very helpful to keep my digestive system moving properly.

5)      5 pm ---- Green salad with chicken or fish and low fat dressing (this is my largest meal of the day).

6)     7:30 pm --- a few nuts and dates.

I try to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water each day. 

This schedule keeps me from feeling hunger pangs.  It is about 1500 – 1700 calories per day.  With aerobic exercise added regularly I lose an average of 3 pounds per week.  Weight loss is not a complicated as some make it.  It amounts to reducing calories and exercising more.  Consulting a doctor at the beginning of a concerted effort to lose weight is always a good idea.       

Friday, September 20, 2013

Back at the Weight Loss Lifestyle

I’ve been on a 3 month hiatus from my weight loss blog, because of health issues which crowded my time and energy.  But less you think I have been gaining weight, the good news is I have actually lost pounds even though my time exercising has been greatly reduced because of my lack of energy. 

I think there are two reasons for this good news:

1) Good permanent habits have been formed during my dieting.

2) My appetite has changed my food choices and serving size.  My stomach just doesn’t want so much food clogging it up anymore.  Yesterday Jeannie and I went to Café Rio for dinner.  I had my usual salad/pulled pork and could only eat half of what I normally would.

So the six small meal habit I formed while on Medifast has helped improve my overall food habits.  I eat more fruits and veggies now.  A small meal of nuts and dates satisfies my hunger.  I drink more water than ever before.  My digestive system appreciates these new habits and thereby is less irritable. It is good to keep those intestines happy. 

Even though I will likely have several more surgeries before the end of the year, I intend to up my efforts to consciously shed more pounds toward my ultimate goal of 199 pounds.  As a reminder I started at a very chubby 280 pounds.  For the past year I have hovered in the range of 240 – 260.

When I was on my initial diet and lifestyle change I had many weight loss buddies participating in one way or another.  I invite any and all to watch my progress via this blog and join me in the quest to regain good health.  I would love to hear your stories and weight loss insights.  Let's get this done.              

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lost 11 pounds in 2 Weeks without Starving---Now I'm down 13 after Three Full Weeks

Here are some hints how you can do it: 

The good news is I lost 11 pounds in 2 Weeks without starving.  After a great trip on the Alaska Highway I decided I needed to kick my health and weight loss back into full gear.  So I took all that I learned over the past few years, I lost 50 pounds, then regained 20 of those pounds and basically yo-yo'ed gaining and losing the "same" 20 lbs several times.  

Here's what happened:

I weighed in on day one and restarted my old habit of eating 6 small meals per day.  A couple of protein shakes with fiber, low calorie protein bars, nuts, dates, oatmeal, and a low calorie evening meal from Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine, between 1200 -1500 calories per day.  I drink more water because I believe when we think we are hungry we are actually thirsty.  I try for eight 16 once glasses per day.  We get all of the food from grocery stores or Costco. 

I stay away from my wife Jeannie when she cooks or eats since she's a great chef and needs high calorie meals due to a fast metabolism, as well as her status as a cancer survivor.  We do not have ice cream or cookies in the house right now.  I take one day per week to go off this nutrition program and eat some of my favorite foods without regard to calories.

For exercise I use an elliptical machine for aerobics for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times per week.  I do my physical therapist routine learned recently by doctors orders for stretching my back 3-4 times per week.  I also try to golf 2-3 times a week.  I am feeling better every day.  My stamina is improving.  My Rheumatologist  has me on a new medication that has my body feeling better than it has for years.

So all is well and I am losing weight again with gusto.  I realize it will slow to a 2-3 pounds per week pace, but I am getting closer daily to my ultimate goal of 199 having peaked at 280 pounds several years ago.

I still advocate a commercial weight loss nutrition program to help anyone who is new to losing serious weight.  I used Take Shape For Life and loved it for months while losing 50 pounds. Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem have worked for some friends of mine. 

I finally decided I could go it alone and became my own weight loss coach. by providing my own food.  I admit it was a struggle for a year while we moved from Alaska to Idaho but once settled it was time to finish the course and head toward 199 again. 

I'll keep you posted on my progress so hopefully it inspires others who need to lose weight.  Besides it helps me to know I have friends I am reporting back too.  Thanks so much for your encouragement.                    

Monday, May 20, 2013

New Found Motivation

New found son Dan has lost 30 pounds in the past couple of months simply by walking "briskly" for about 45 minutes at lunchtime.  Once the weight started to come off he was naturally encouraged to make wiser choices for food and portions.  He weighs in weekly when he comes to our home for Sunday dinner.  He is down to 167 and looks great.  His wife Anne says he needs to gain a few pounds.  Awesome job Dan.   

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week by Week Melting Away Slowly

This past week brought new successes and challenges.  I did lose a few pounds.  But when I have too many special events to attend I eat too much of the wrong kinds of foods.  I would hate to  become a recluse just to stay on a diet.  So new strategies are developing.  

Instead of stopping for that juicy hot dog after 9 holes of golf, we have been carrying our own low calorie protein bars in the golf cart cubby.  Instead of drinking high calorie pop or "energy" drinks, water will do just fine.  It is becoming a new habit.  

I am OK as long as I lose 2-3 pounds per week.  I really don't want to go back to a food program that completely controls my diet.  Been there, done that, and benefited by the new small meal habit.  Let's keep up the good work and enjoy a successful week.               

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Protein Powder Shakes to Replace Slim-Fast

As a followup to my last post about my newly invigorated self guided weight loss efforts, I received some great suggestions from my daughter Heather who has done a superb job losing weight over this past year.  I am now replacing slim-fast shakes with personally mixed protein powder shakes.  I was so impressed with the nutritional value by making this change.  

We bought our chocolate protein powder from Costco and simply mix crushed ice with the powder and ad some liquid for the mixing process, which in our case is a magic chef mini-mixer.  It takes about 5 minutes to make the shake and it really does taste fine.  The benefit is less sugar and more protein and other good stuff. Give it a try and see if your progress hastens. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Back at Weight-Loss with Enthusiasm---Stay tuned for Regular Updates

Here is my confessional/weight-loss blog post.  I admit I gained back 20 of the 50 pounds I lost last year.  In fact I basically took a year off from my diet while we moved and settled in our new home in Idaho.  I suffered through about six months of post retirement depression which always licks in anxiety eating binges.  I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do dope, so I eat…it’s my “acceptable” drug of choice.   

But alas, I have found my old swagger and once again feel some enthusiasm for the future.  So I started to replicate the Medifast diet on my own terms and with my own food.  Last year after three months on Medifast I just got tired of the same diet food all the time. 

When people ask, I still encourage them to get on a strict diet program and find a weight loss coach.  “Take Shape for Life” with Medifast food worked the magic for me.  I learned how to lose weight and keep most of it off.   It was the jump start toward serious weight loss that helped me regain sufficient health to enjoy retirement.

Here is what I am doing to continue my quest toward losing a total of 80 pounds.  I eat 5-6 small meals each day.  It starts with a slim-fast shake each morning.  I actually buy the generic chocolate shakes from Costco since they are less expensive and come in boxes of 24.  My “second-breakfast” (said with the appropriate accent) is another shake with ice, juice, protein powder, and fiber powder at 10am. 

Other meals throughout the day consist of nuts, raisins, dates, and low calorie protein bars bought in bulk from Winco.  I also might have some cottage cheese with apple sauce.  My final meal of the day is a deluxe salad with protein added (chicken or shrimp) made with loving hands by my sweet wife Jeannie with no fat low calorie dressing.    

I exercise by stretching each morning for about an hour, doing back work as prescribed by my physical therapist.  My wife does yoga for a similar benefit.  I do aerobic workouts to get my heart rate up for about 30 minutes, usually on an elliptical machine.  We also play golf and ride our bikes as often as we can.  This summer we will do as many hikes as possible.  Working in the yard helps as well. 

This self motivated plan is doing the magic by helping me lose 2-5 pounds a week.  By the end of the summer I should be to my goal weight of 199.  I started this process about a year and a half ago at 280 pounds. 
I tried being a weight loss coach but wasn’t real good at it while I was busy getting ready to retire and move.  I still have a few friends whom I talk with about their diets. I am resurrecting my weight loss blog to share my progress.  I hope it helps someone find hope while they work to regain their health by losing weight. 

If you would like to receive an email when a new update to my weight loss blog is posted please sign up to the right of this post.